Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Laughter Lessons

Blood tests reveal that when we laugh, endorphins are produced which act as a painkiller, and our immunity increases 

A scientist says that as children we laugh 400 times a day, but as adults only 10 to 15 times 

Genuine laughter is never at anyone's expense 

Never laugh at people, laugh with them. This will give you inner peace and create a feeling of fellowship and brotherhood  — Dr. Krishan Chopra in Your Life is in Your Hands
Susceptibility to influenza, for instance, is higher in families that are rigid and chaotic than in balanced families.The reverse is true as well. Psychologists have found that people could be trained to improve their resistance to disease by recognizing the mind-body link in disease and learning how to deal more effectively with emotionally challenging events. In such cases, what is important is the extent to which you can bring change in yourself by recognizing and altering the patterns of behavior that characterize you. For example, a person with a Type A personality will typically have a short-fuse reaction to situations he perceives as stressful. Such a person is impatient, always pressed for time, extremely competitive, achievement-oriented, extremely competitive and loses his cool easily. Such people are more likely to fall victims to heart ailments. 

A Type B personality to more likely to stay disease free for he is relaxed and is not easily aroused to anger. However, one could easily confuse a Type B with a Type C personality who presents a calm front simply by suppressing emotional reactions, especially anger. This creates blocks within. Withheld emotions, which find no outlet fester within the person. Typically Type C people, who have a strong need to conform, display a tendency to give up easily rather than fight. They often don't say what needs to be said; they act and feel helpless and hopeless and work with the mechanisms of repression and denial. This can adversely affect immunity. Many cancer patients belong to this personality type. Indeed some of the most interesting insights into the mind-body-disease nexus come from the study of people suffering from heart disease and cancer. 

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