Every blog post takes up so much time, expertise, and research. You want as many eyes on it as possible so you feel like you helped someone, right? But there you sit after a couple tweets, refreshing your analytics and not seeing much. As much time as you spend creating, you need to spend MUCH more time promoting. And I don't mean sending the link to your network every hour on the hour. Today's video features 5 ways that you can promote your blog post, further than just the typical status update. Strategy #1: Social Networks Obviously this is the first place we turn to share our latest work, right? And with good reason. You're building relationships here so you want those same awesome people to engage with your content. Be sure to get creative with how you present the post, especially if you intend to share it multiple times during a promotional phase. You need more than the headline to entice people. Quotes, quick tips, and questions that are answered within the content are great little teasers for getting someone to click your link. Strategy #2: Linkedin Answers Linkedin has a lot of advantages as you're sharing your content. First off because it is a professional atmosphere where people are looking for expertise. But also because of the different avenues within the network that offer a personal way to promote. Linkedin Answers is fantastic for this. People are asking questions here all. the. TIME! Check out the different niche areas to see where you might be of assistance, especially if something relates to what you just wrote about. Note: Don't just give you link when you answer a question. You should always answer the question within the forum and then let the author know you have more information within your latest blog post. Transparency is important when you're promoting in a more social way. Strategy #3: Wisestamp Email Signatures Wisestamp is one of my favorite Google Chrome extensions because it automatically loads my signature the way I've created it with their platform which allows for lots of options like social buttons, latest tweets, and best of all, latest blog posts. Strategy #4: Commenting on Other Content I like to search for content that is similar to mine to see if there is a conversation that I can chime in on that might be relevant to the posts I recentely created. I'm not going to just paste the link because that's bad etiquette. But if there is something I can help with, similar to Linkedin Answers, and then point to more info on my site. Awesome. What's even better is if the blog is using a plugin called CommentLuv, which is basically a way to pay back the people who took the time to comment on your blog by automatically loading their latest blog post. That way, you don't have to over promote at all. You can just let your awesome comment stand with the author's feature of your link below it. Super stealth. Strategy #5: Tap into your Network If you've been helpful to other people over a period of time in your social networks or even just your professional network, tap into that group and ask them to share your content with someone they think would benefit from it. Usually they're happy to help and know someone who could use the information. Bonus Strategy: Guest Post Linking If you have some more time, you can take the opportunity to guest post for another site about an extension of a topic you recently wrote about. Let the content stand entirely on its own as a helpful resource and information, but if there's a way to mention the post you published on your own blog that is actually within context and helpful to the reader to learn more then get it in there. Approve anything you do in your guest post with the host blogger, but as long as you're not over-linking to your site they are usually fine with it. Just depends on their guidelines.
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