Saturday, December 16, 2017

How can you overcome your fear?

Acknowledge your fear — By acknowledging that you are human and that it is okay to be afraid, you are opening up yourself to accepting the unknown by taking chances. That is the first step in facing your fear.
Identify your fear — By identifying your fear, you are one step closer to overcoming. With that noted, you can then start looking at the true source of your fear.
Write down what you will gain from overcoming your fear — How would it feel like to just go right ahead and pursue your goals and dreams? What will you gain from accomplishing your goals and achieving your dreams? What if mistakes and setbacks are the essential steps to get you to your destination?
Write down the consequences of giving in to your fear — What happens when you surrender to your fear? How does it feel? What will you lose? Is giving in to your fear worth giving up on your dreams?

Use your past success experience as your reference — Remember a time that you succeeded. What did you do to achieve your goal? What approaches did you use? Who might have helped you along the way? How did it feel when you achieved your goal?

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