Learn how to create a website in 24 easy steps. Step by step with no step skipped. With the new template system you will have the most professional website on the most popular platform (WordPress) in the entire world.
Learn to get your domain name, hosting, install WordPress, create your website, make a logo and the best tips and tricks to make your website #1. Visit Tyler's website for templates and more: http://www.tyler.com Visit Enmanuel Website For Help: http://icreateyoursite.com/
6.) Delete Plugins - 00:16:23 7.) Change Permalinks - 00:17:28 8.) Update WordPress - 00:18:53 9.) Install Theme - 00:19:22 10.) Delete Pages & Posts - 00:21:28
11.) Change Title & Tagline - 00:22:33 12.) Add Pages To Website - 00:23:47 13.) Edit Navigation Menu - 00:24:59 14.) Set Homepage To Home - 00:30:12 15.) Add Content The Old Way - 00:31:15
16.) Install Elementor Plugin - 00:32:03 17.) Create Your Home Page - 00:33:16 18.) Create Your About Page - 00:53:20 19.) Create Your Services Page - 00:57:39 20.) Create Your Contact Page - 01:10:28
21.) Create Your Logo - 01:17:01 22.) Create Your Footer - 01:19:50 23.) Create Your FavIcon - 01:25:00 24.) Logout - 01:27:39
Tyler Moore
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