Saturday, May 5, 2018

How To Increase Traffic To Your Blog Without Writing More Content

Hey, everyone, I'm Neil Patel, and today, I'm going to share with you how to get more traffic to your blog post without writing more content or building more links.

You have a blog, you've written a ton of content, but no one's reading it.

Should you write more content? NOPE. ►►Subscribe here to learn more of my secret SEO tips:
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Increase Traffic to Your Blog Tip #1:

The first thing that I have for you is you need to adjust your title tags. What you'll notice when you log into Google Search Console, it'll show your pages with the most amount of impressions and the least amount of clicks. Look for the posts that have less than a five percent click-through rate. Once you've figured out which posts have the less than five percent click-through rate, look for all the keywords, 'cause when you click on that link, it'll show you Google Search Console what keywords you're getting traffic for, and look for the keywords that you're ranking decent position for, and add those keywords within your title tag and meta description.

By doing that one simple thing, what's going to happen? More people are going to keep clicking, and clicking, and clicking on your listings because when they're searching, your keyword is going to be in the title and meta description.

Increase Traffic to Your Blog Tip #2:
Another thing that you should end up doing, and this is the second tactic, is continually sharing your old blog posts over and over again. Once you write a blog post, especially if it's evergreen, it's not over. Why can't you keep re-tweeting it out? Why can't you end up putting in scheduling it out and buffer so that you're continually getting shared? Not just a week from now or a month from now, but years from now.
Why can't you take your old articles and re-share them on Facebook? I do that all the time, and I use Open Graph, that's where you can change your meta descriptions just for social media, and you can do this in the Yoast SEO plugin, and by doing that, what ends up happening is, is I can keep changing the title of the post, still make it super relevant, and re-sharing it on Twitter and Facebook.
Increase Traffic to Your Blog Tip #3:
Now that you got those two tactics out of the way, I want to give you one last tactic that's a really easy way to drive more traffic to your blog post. It's content repurposing. You don't have to write more blog posts, but you could end up taking that content and creating videos on that same type of material and releasing it on YouTube and Facebook.

You could end up creating podcast episodes on that same kind of content and release it to iTunes. By doing these little things and repurposing your content, it goes out extra miles, right? It ends up getting more views. You're getting more juice out of every single article. Heck, we even take our same content and put the whole article on Linked In.

By doing that, yeah, people aren't coming back to our site, but that content is generating more eyeballs, and people are like, oh, that's written by Neil, this is awesome. He keeps giving more amazing information. And yeah, those people aren't going to come back to your blog and leave a comment, but they will leave a comment on Linked In, and you could respond to them, interact with them, build that connection, and you can still generate business.

Follow those three simple things, and you'll build more traffic to your blog posts without building any more links or writing more content. Best of luck, if you have questions about how to do this or if you're confused, leave a comment below. I'll respond and teach you how to do it step-by-step. If you liked the video, please share, subscribe, like, let other people know about it. The more people I can help, the happier I am, thank you for watching.

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