Thursday, May 10, 2018

Only Knowledge that is used sticks in your mind

Bernad Shaw once remarked:"If you teach a man anything he will never learn". Shaw was right-Learning is an active process. We learn by doing. So if you desire to master the principles you are studying, do something about them. Apply these at every opportunity. If you don't you will forget them quickly. So only knowledge that is used sticks in your .

Learning that Lasts: Why Using Knowledge is the Key to Retention

We've all been there. You cram for a test, the information seems crystal clear, but a week later it's vanished like smoke. So why does some knowledge stick and some fades away? The answer lies in how we use the information we learn. Here's why active knowledge application is crucial for long-term retention:

From Passive to Active: The Power of Doing

Imagine sitting in a lecture, passively absorbing information. While this might seem efficient, it doesn't engage the brain in a way that promotes long-term storage. Here's why active learning is key:

  • Engages Multiple Pathways: When you use knowledge, you activate different brain regions, solidifying neural connections and making the information more readily accessible.
  • Strengthens Understanding: Applying knowledge to real-world scenarios helps you grasp its nuances and practical implications. It moves information from theoretical to practical.
  • Boosts Confidence: Being able to use what you've learned fosters a sense of mastery and motivates you to delve deeper into the subject.

Strategies for Putting Knowledge into Action

So how can you transform passive learning into active engagement? Here are some strategies:

  • Explain It to Others: Teaching a concept to someone else forces you to articulate it clearly, solidifying your own understanding.
  • Apply It to Work or Hobbies: Look for ways to incorporate what you've learned into your daily activities, whether at work or during hobbies.
  • Create Examples and Case Studies: Developing concrete examples or case studies related to what you've learned personalizes the knowledge and makes it more memorable.
  • Engage in Discussions and Debates: Discussing concepts with others challenges your perspective and deepens your understanding.

Resources for Active Learning

Remember, knowledge isn't just about information; it's about the ability to use it effectively. By actively engaging with what you learn, you not only retain information but also unlock its true potential. So, put your knowledge to work, and watch it become a permanent part of your intellectual arsenal.


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