Thursday, January 16, 2020

Open yourself up to new possibilities

When you're open to new possibilities and when you seek out new opportunities to improve your life - wonderful things begin to happen.

Close yourself off to possibilities and you'll likely be stagnant.

Open yourself up to all possibilities and you'll attract opportunities to achieve your goals.

Close yourself off - and little or nothing will improve.

When you open yourself up to any and all possibilities you force your mind to look for new opportunities. At the same time you give your subconscious mind a number of options to help you achieve your goals. And most importantly - you give your higher power the ability to get you on track - so that you fulfill your life's purpose.

When all these elements come into play - not only do you begin to achieve your goals - you also begin to experience happiness on all levels. Start opening yourself up to possibilities. Begin directing your mind to seek out new opportunities. Give your subconscious mind new options to help you achieve your goals and live the life you want.
Let's say you want to make a million döllars and you feel that the only way to do this is to win the lottery jackpot. If all you do is buy lottery tickets and pray that you win the lottery – then you're really giving yourself just one option. At the same time you close yourself off to any and all other opportunities. Finally - you don't allow your higher self to help you fulfill your life's passion.

What if your purpose in life was to invent a new version of the cellular phone - which in the process would generate millions for you? If all you did was focus on winning the lottery – you  would miss out on the opportunity to take the cell phone to another level.

What if your life's purpose was to create a product that would transform people's lives in some way - and in the process you would make millions and help people all around the world?

If all you did was buy lottery tickets you would miss out on the opportunities that would help you and help people all around the world.

I know some of you may say that you're not interested in helping people, improving the world - all you want to do is make millions first then take care of the world.

That kind of attitude will never lead to happiness or success.

Your priority is to be open to any and all possibilities so that you not only achieve your
goals - but so that you allow yourself to fulfill your life's purpose.

So how do you open yourself up to any and all possibilities?

Think about what you want to achieve. Then accept that there is a way for you to achieve your goals.

If you want to make a million dollars – accept that there is a way for you to make a million dollars. Don't decide which way you're going to do this - that would be limiting yourself. Simply accept that there is a way for you to make a million dollars.

Now begin to open yourself up to any and all possibilities by thinking of all the possible ways someone can make a million dollars. This requires that you knock down the walls of your own limited and negative thinking.

For this exercise you want to look at all possible ways to make a million dollars – including examining what would seem far-fetched or out of this world.

You also want to examine possibilities that seem too time consuming or that would take too much work.

This exercise pushes your mind to examine new possibilities. It also sends a powerful message to your subconscious mind - because you tell your subconscious that you are now ready to achieve your goal - to the point where you are open to doing just about anything to make your goal a reality. When you begin doing this you will discover numerous opportunities for you to achieve your goals. Not all of them will be right for you - they may not be what you want to do. But along the way you will discover an opportunity that resonates with you - that invigorates you - you'll just know that it's right.

Get your mind focused on discovering new opportunities. Direct your subconscious mind to uncover new possibilities for you to achieve your goals. Begin living the life that you want today. Your job is to follow up on any and all possibilities.

Whatever goal you want to achieve - there is a way you just have to uncover the right path for you. If you want to improve your confidence - there is a way.

If you want to meet the right person there is a way.
If you want to help a family member, a loved one, a friend, there is a way.
If you want to find your true calling - there is a way.

Open yourself up to new possibilities.Accept that anything is possible and you will find
a way to achieve your goals. Opportunities will then follow - you just have to examine them. Everyday think of a new way to achieve your goal.

Your mind is capable of seeking and discovering new opportunities - all you have to do is tell it what opportunities to look for. Then be open to any and all possibilities. Your subconscious mind is capable of directing you and guiding you to the opportunities and people that will help you achieve your goals. Your higher power wants you to live your life purpose - all you have to do is be open to any and all possibilities. Start directing your mind and subconscious mind to help you achieve your goals. Open yourself up to
any and all possibilities today What ever your goal, what ever it is that you want to achieve - you can. There is a way for you to accomplish your goals and live the life you want. You have the power within you to live the life you want - all you have to do is direct the power of your mind and subconscious mind.

Don't limit yourself to one possibility. Give yourself every chance to succeed.

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Item Reviewed: Open yourself up to new possibilities Rating: 5 Reviewed By: BUXONE