1. Acclimate: to accustom or become accustomed to a new climate, environment, or situation.
2. Stentorian: extremely loud.
3. Expeditious: characterized by speed and efficiency.
4. Proselytize: to convert (someone) to another religion, belief, etc.
5. Equable: equal and uniform; also, serene.
6. Sacrosanct: sacred; inviolable.
7. Indefatigable: untiring.
8. Gravid: pregnant.
9. Hyperbole: extravagant exaggeration.
10. Funereal: pertaining to a funeral; solemn; mournful.
11. Flibbertigibbet: a silly, flighty, or excessively talkative person.
12. Vet: to subject to thorough appraisal; to evaluate.
13. Acme: the highest point of something.
14. Efface: to cause to disappear by rubbing out, striking out, etc.
15. Stanch: to stop the flowing of; to check.
16. Aggress: to make an attack.
17. Excursus: a digression.
18. Cataract: a large waterfall; also, a downpour, a flood.
19. Mazy: resembling a maze in form or complexity; intricate; confusing.
20. Entreat: to ask for or request earnestly.
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