Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Test Your Knowledge


1. Hypnagogic: leading to sleep; hypnotic. 

2. Florid: of a lively reddish color; also, excessively ornate. 

3. Leitmotif: a melodic phrase that accompanies the reappearance of a idea, person, or                situation; a dominant and recurring theme. 

4. Bon ton: the height of the fashion; fashionable society. 

5. Fungible: interchangeable. 

6. Transmogrify: to change into a different shape. 

7. Benefaction: the act of conferring a benefit; also, a benefit conferred. 

8. Salutary: beneficial; also, healthful. 

9. Interstice: a space between things or parts. 

10. Neophyte: a new convert; also, a beginner. 

11. Dyspeptic: pertaining to or having indigestion; also, ill-humored. 

12. Melange: a mixture. 

13. Limn: to draw or paint; also, to describe. 

14. Vapid: insipid; flat; dull. 

15. Pernicious: deadly; destructive; exceedingly harmful. 

16. Valetudinarian: a weak or sickly person, especially one morbidly concerned with his or              her health. 

17. Cerebration: mental activity. 

18. Hortatory: giving strong encouragement; inciting. 

19. Mimetic: imitative. 

20. Bellicose: warlike; pugnacious. 


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Item Reviewed: Test Your Knowledge Rating: 5 Reviewed By: BUXONE