Saturday, August 7, 2021

Super Seeds That Are Good For Your Skin

We are well aware of the fact that the extensive usage of chemical products and the intake of oily, and unhealthy food and drinks are the reasons that make your skin suffer. Other factors that are responsible for deteriorating skin health are also majorly linked to unhealthy lifestyles, like lack of exercise etc.

That is why rather than trying topical solutions and methods for the treatment of your skin, you should also understand that healthy eating and living a proper lifestyle are the prime factors that can help you achieve good and healthy skin. So, we thought of introducing you to some very healthy seeds, obtained from natural sources that will give your skin a healthful glow and will solve all your problems for you.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are one of the best choices when it comes to skin health. These seeds are full of zinc that helps in boosting your immunity and kicking out the oxidative stress caused in the body by the presence of free radicals.

The free radicals result in faster ageing and also hinder the production of collagen in the system. This in turn affects the process of skin repair and renewal. Also, the Vitamin E and the fatty acids present in the pumpkin seeds help in maintaining the moisture on the skin and giving it a flawless glow.

Chia Seeds

You must have heard a lot of good things about chia seeds(chia seeds for skin). These seeds are filled with a variety of nutrients that help nourish the skin and provide you with very naturally radiant skin. Not only that, but these seeds also have omega 3 fatty acids that keep the skin lubricated and lock in the moisture. You can incorporate these seeds into your diet by adding them to your smoothies or puddings.


These are also very great options to consider when it comes to the skin. These seeds are known to settle hormonal imbalances which may also sometimes lead to harmful effects on the skin. Flax seeds(flax seed face masks) may help you get rid of acne and inflammation on your skin, thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties found in them.

Hemp Seeds

Enriched with magnesium, chlorophyll, iron and vitamin E, hemp seeds are also very amazing for our skin. These seeds have a number of benefits for our health and can also prove to be very beneficial for our skin too. They may promote the production of collagen, even out the skin tone, slow down the process of photo ageing and also make your skin more radiant and nourished.

Sunflower Seeds

Last but not the least, sunflower seeds are also superfood seeds that are great for the skin. They are endowed with zinc, vitamin A, B1 and E in addition to that, they also have copper magnesium and iron. The antioxidants present in these seeds can help you protect your skin from fast ageing, make it firmer and more elastic, not only that, these seeds also add a cushioning effect to the skin and make it super healthy.

Poornima Pandey, Her Zindagi 


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