Saturday, September 18, 2021

Foods to incorporate in your daily diet to maintain good liver health


According to the World Health Organization, liver disease is considered to be the tenth most common death cause in India. Work from home and long hours of sitting has resulted in reduced physical activity and an increase in unhealthy eating. These changes in lifestyle can have an adverse effect on the liver and put excess stress on the organ. Fortunately, there are a number of simple foods that can help in boosting the immunity and overall health of this versatile organ in our body.

The liver is one of the largest organs of our body and is responsible for performing a plethora of functions, like managing the intake of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It is also responsible to flush out the harmful toxins from our body and control the production of several proteins and fats to manage the smooth function of organs in the body.

Sharanya S Shastry, Chief Clinical Nutritionist at Apollo Spectra Hospital, Bangalore shares foods one should incorporate in their daily diet to maintain good liver health:


Garlic carries a mineral called selenium which helps in cleansing the liver and removing liver enzymes and toxins. Garlic is also rich in allicin, vitamin C, and B6 making it a favorite food for liver health.


The antioxidants present in beetroot prevent the liver from oxidative damage and inflammation and also helps in increasing the natural detoxification enzymes.

Green leafy vegetables 

Adding green leafy vegetables to our everyday diet is a must as they are nutrient-rich and contain potassium, magnesium, and manganese. It helps to assist the liver by neutralizing the heavy toxins and the harmful chemicals in the body.


Blueberries, raspberries, and cranberries contain antioxidants named polyphenols that help to regulate our immune system. They protect our liver from getting damaged by increasing the cell response and lowering the inflammation levels.

Citrus fruits  

Citrus fruits contain high levels of citric acid, potassium, and vitamin C. It improves energy levels, reduces inflammation, and enhances liver detoxification. Studies have shown that citrus fruits containing antioxidants act as a medicine to protect the liver against all odds.

A healthy diet and sleep routine are crucial for overall health including the effective function of the liver. Including some food items that work in favor of the liver and assist the organ to perform better can prove beneficial in maintaining a healthy immune system. These are easily available and can be eaten regularly as part of a normal diet routine to prevent excessive stress on the liver.


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