Thursday, October 7, 2021

Can Diabetes Affect Eyesight?

Diabetes can have short-term and long-term effects on your eyes. Blurry eyesight is considered one of the most common symptoms of diabetes. A diabetic often complains about his/her struggle in seeing the fine details of an object. 

Unfortunately, many ignore these symptoms and assume that they are age-related complications. In fact, blurry vision is one of the early signs of diabetes. Vision-related conditions include blurred sights, difficulty in recognizing colours, and seeing at night or in a dark room.

According to a report in IE, Dr Mallikarjuna Vj, M.B.B.S, M.D, DM, Assistant Professor Department of Endocrinology Sims & RC said that ignoring these signs can lead to blindness.

“Vision-related problems in diabetes patients are frequent because uncontrolled blood sugar levels can damage blood vessels supplying to the light-sensitive tissue present in the retina at the back of the eye. This makes it crucial for diabetics to control their blood glucose levels,” said Mallikarjuna. 

As per the report, the diabetic eye is a term specified to eye conditions that people with diabetes frequently suffer. Blurry vision in the long term can develop diabetic retinopathy in people with diabetes. Some other diabetic eye conditions are glaucoma, diabetic macular oedema, and cataracts. 

However, Dr Mallikarjuna said that diabetic eyes can be prevented or can at least avoid them from getting worse by taking necessary precautions. Patients with diabetes can manage the condition by keeping their blood sugar levels under check. Besides managing blood glucose levels, the patient must get regular checkups by an eye specialist to examine for any eye-related complications. 

Developing diabetic eye complications can be prevented by incorporating the following lifestyle changes.

 👉Keep your blood glucose level in control

 👉 workout regularly

 👉avoid smoking tobacco

 👉get your eye check-up done at least once every year

 👉 and lastly consume green, leafy vegetables, and fibre-rich food.



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