Thursday, August 17, 2023

How to stay alert and in a good mood without drinking coffee


Most people love to drink coffee. It tastes great and, importantly, helps ward off drowsiness! Caffeine does keep you alert and prevent sleep. But like everything else taken in excess, too much coffee does no favors for your well-being. So what are the healthy alternatives for stimulating the mind and maintaining a good mood throughout the day?

The daily grind: The Monday to Friday office work routine, all day study, or a combination of employment obligations and out-of-hours education can test even the most dedicated of individuals.

Piling on the pressure: Over the course of a day the workload can pile up, and with it, stress levels.

Busy lifestyle: Indeed, those with busy lifestyles tend to sleep less and rely on coffee to give them a boost during the day.

Is coffee good for you?

But is coffee good for you? Medical opinion is divided.

Health benefits of coffee

Some reports suggest that a cup a day—or even three—could actually have health benefits. For example, it's been associated with lowering the risk from several cancers.

Risks: However, other studies warn of drinking too much coffee. Over consumption of caffeine may raise blood pressure, may cause insomnia, and can lead to increased anxiety, depression, and the need for anxiety medication.

Bright ideas: So how do you strike up a happy medium? How can you reduce your coffee consumption but still feel awake and energized? Here are some ideas.

Get a grip on your diet: The first thing you should do is check your diet. Cutting down on your caffeine fix while eating properly can boost vitality and well-being.

Overeating: Avoid eating large amounts of food in one sitting. People tend to feel tired after eating, which is quite natural. But you're far more likely to experience what's known as postprandial somnolence after a large meal. And guess what? The response is to gulp down a coffee!

Pack in the protein: Avoid absorbing too much sugar and carbohydrates, things like pasta and rice. Instead, give priority to protein. Not consuming enough protein during the day can be a primary reason for fatigue.

Keep hydrated: Instead of reaching for the coffee, get used to drinking lots of water everyday. Being hydrated is an easy and inexpensive way to increase energy levels.

Water and its hidden advantages: Besides keeping your body hydrated and functioning properly, water has another practical advantage!

More restroom visits: The more water you drink, the more bathroom visits you'll need to make during the day. So how does that help you to stay more alert? Read on...

Get moving: Well, copious amounts of H2O will ultimately mean more calls to the restroom. In other words, getting up out of your chair and walking!

Take a walk: Actually, regular exercise is a great all-around way of maintaining good health, not least because it stimulates blood circulation.

Regular exercise: Ideally, you should have in place a daily exercise routine. How about going for a light jog?

Indoor humidity and temperature: Maintaining proper indoor temperature and humidity makes you feel better both physically and mentally. You will stay healthier and sleep better.

Feeling the heat: If it's too warm, you might feel the need for a coffee to stay awake. High temperatures can induce drowsiness, and you'll end up sluggish and unproductive.

Listen to music: Make sure you have a playlist of your favorite songs downloaded to your mobile device. Putting on headphones and listening to music can focus the mind and help pass the time.

Watch the volume!: Just mind the volume. Common sense says you should avoid listening to music at loud volume. Sure it will keep you alert, but it won't do your eardrums any favors.

Alternative drinks to coffee

Did you know that tea can be just as stimulating for your body as coffee?

Green tea: Green tea is a good example, and a pleasant pick-me-up. Among its health benefits, green tea increases fat burning and improves physical performance, it improves brain function and makes you smarter, and may reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. Not bad, eh?

Chewing gum: According to some reports, chewing gum helps keep the mind active. Give it a go by all means, but opt for a sugarless brand to avoid ruining your teeth.

Computers and screen time: Do you spend a lot of time in front of the computer screen working or studying? Continue reading for a tip on how to avoid nodding off on your keyboard.

Take a break: OK. A coffee break sounds good right now. But try and take a regular 10- or 15- minute break away from the screen and find a quiet place to relax. Close your eyes and chill. And if you really could do with a hot drink, how about that green tea?

Go offline: Drinking coffee at night is a no-no if you want a decent night's sleep. But so too is checking emails. Avoid cell phones and other gadgets that keep you awake until late. Instead, nod off reading a good book.

Nothing works? If you're still an incurable insomniac, even after quitting coffee, seek out medical advice. Giving up caffeine isn't necessarily going to cure your sleep problem, but if nothing else helps you relax either, it's time to see the doctor.

Medical advice: A medical expert can give you a thorough health check and recommend alternative ways to improve your general well-being.

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